Organization and Founders
Inno Holding is the Parent Company of a number of InnoVation initiating ventures
Founded by Mr Leo P Vollebregt M.Sc in 1999
Mr Vollebregt founded his own ventures after a long international career with well established companies such as :
-CAP GEMINI , as European Relations Manager for Public Private Innovation Programmes across the EU.
-EDS Europe , as Vice President EMEA for HealthCare for : DE, FR, UK, Nordic, Benelux, IT,ES.
-BAAN Company , as International Director for Healthcare, and as MT member with HISCOM / iSoft / IBA
-ORDINA as Director Public Sector
- VitaValley , as Strategy Development Officer for the Noaber Foundation of Mr. Paul Baan.
- International Adviser for the WORLDBANK and EC in Hungary, Slovenia and Kosovo
Mr Vollebregt is/has been, a (founding) Board Member of :
- EHTEL (EU) The European eHealth / Telemedicine Association
- VNO/ NCW (NL) The Dutch Employers Oragnization , CIB Centre of Information Policy
- OIZ (NL) The Netherlands Organisation for ICT in Healthcare